
Showing posts from August, 2010

Kubulau bears fruit of vision : FijiSun

  The district of Kubulau is taking the lead in managing its marine resources, by putting together a management plan administered by a management committee selected by the communities and trained by NGO’s who are conducting work in the district. This was heard at the St Agnes Parish Community Hall in Samabula East on Friday evening as representatives from environmental NGO’s involved in projects in Kubulau presented to the people of Kubulau living in Suva an update of what was happening back home. The open–forum, which for the first time saw the chiefs from the district coming down to Suva as part of this contingent, proved to be an eye opener for many Kubulau natives living in the Central and Southern division of Viti Levu. The Namena Marine Protected Areas and other MPA’s around Kubulau is today been used as a model for other qoliqoli owners from other districts around Fiji. NGOs who are currently based and conducting projects in Kubulau now for a number of years includ...