Fiji Locally-Managed Marine Area (FLMMA) Network AGM 2017, Bua, Lomanikoro

The FLMMA Annual General Meeting was held in the chiefly village of Bua Lomanikoro on Friday 24th, November, 2017. However, The week was also a fruitful one after the 14 Provincial Community Representatives put together their Annual Workplan during the Annual Lessons Learning and Sharing Workshop starting on Monday 20th till Thursday 23rd Nov 2017. 20th to 24th November 2017, Fiji #LMMA ( FLMMA ) held "Our Ocean Lessons Learning & Annual General Meeting" in Lominikoro, Bua province, Fiji. Around 80 community representatives shared best practices, learned from each other and decided on the next steps for theirs communities through their annual workplan. The final highlight was the FLMMA website launching. #FLMMA #100PercentSolution #GiftToOurFijiGeneration Get full of the story on the brand new website Fiji Locally-Managed Marine Area (FLMMA) Network | AGM 2017, Bua, Lomanikoro