Great snorkel trip in the Park

Last week we had one of supporters and friends, Helen Sykes comes to visit and go on a snorkel trip. Great snorkel trip in the Park This time she brought along her sister and brother-in-law, Christine and Larry all the way from Colorado Springs in Colorado USA. Helen and Christine’s late father Derek Sykes and his Lancaster Rotary Club in the UK funded the solar power in the MArine Park building, and supplied a portable solar light to each of the houses in Waitabu before solar was available on Taveuni. Derek and the Rotary Club picture hangs in the Marine Park office. A sevusevu welcoming Larry and Christine Walker, sister and brother-in-law of Helen Sykes, and daughter and son-in-law of Derek Sykes and to the village. Vuvale (family) is very important in the Fijian traditions and culture. The group had a good trip out to the Marine Park and snorkeled in the main cut ...