Dive News - Help Protect Waitabu Reef

Help Protect Waitabu Reef

We need your help to protect a beautiful reef in Fiji! And you can do it with a click of your mouse each day. Moreover, it will cost you nothing to sign up for the Waitabu Reef Protection drive.

CORAL's new fundraising partner, EarthAIDE, lets you support CORAL's effort to protect Waitabu Reef from overfishing and anchor damage, for free. All you have to do is subscribe to an email newsletter. When you receive the email, open it and click on the "Donate FREE" button. Our sponsor for this event, Care2.com, will make a contribution to CORAL for each click you make until this goal is funded.

You pay nothing, but Waitabu Reef gets the funding it needs.

Located on Fiji's Taveuni Island, Waitabu Marine Park is a vibrant reef set aside for the benefit of snorkel tourism and environmental education.

CORAL is partnering with the Fiji Locally Managed Marine Area Network and Resort Support to set up boundary markers and mooring buoys that will protect the reef from fishing and anchor damage. Already a successful site of sustainable tourism, the project will ensure that the reef will continue to thrive.

To sign up for the Waitabu Reef Protection drive, please visit http://www.earthaide.com.

Thank you for your help.

-- Brian Huse
Executive Director
Coral Reef Alliance

Dive News - Help Protect Waitabu Reef


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