Philippine government advocate charging tourists higher ‘usage fees’ | X-Ray International Dive Magazine

Tourism Secretary Joseph Ace Durano said the towns and cities which have jurisdiction over marine protected areas are undervaluing themselves by charging small fees.

This leads to both a massive and unmanageable influx of local and foreign tourists that usually lead to the destruction of natural resources and lack of funds for proper management.
Citing the efforts of El Nido in Palawan, which has raised the access fee compared with other destinations Secretary Durano pointed out that tourists continued to come in droves.

By imposing “the right price,” the volume of people would drop to manageable levels, while the attraction can get better protection and the community well-compensated, Durano claims. “There is a certain level of the price that will put a limit on the people and yet make the attraction still competitive.”

By imposing the right amount of fees and charges, the community would be able to sustain its efforts to protect its natural resources. “We must make sure we have enough money to sustain our operations,” he said.
Durano also cited the whale-shark attraction in Donsol, Sorsogon, where the town charges P3,500 (€ 55 / USD 75) for a boat to take visitors out to sea and interact with whale sharks. The fee includes the boat, boatmen and a “whale interaction officer.”

The price is relatively low and affordable and people have been flooding Donsol. As a result, many whale sharks are now shying away at the sight of humans, Durano said.

“The Philippines is always high up the list of popular dive spots around the world, so we can always put a premium for that experience,” Durano said. “We must remember these scuba divers have invested money for their gear and in coming here. The fees are just loose change for them.”

Philippine government advocate charging tourists higher ‘usage fees’ | X-Ray International Dive Magazine


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